Text Update: 09/16, 2019 (JST)


Packages and Datasets

本ページではR version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)の標準パッケージ以外に以下の追加パッケージを用いています。

Package Version Description
knitr 1.24 A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
rpart 4.1.15 Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees
rpart.plot 3.0.8 Plot ‘rpart’ Models: An Enhanced Version of ‘plot.rpart’
tidyverse 1.2.1 Easily Install and Load the ‘Tidyverse’


Dataset Package Version Description
TitanicSurvival carData 3.0.2 Survival of passengers on the Titanic




survived sex age passengerClass
Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton yes female 29 1st
Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor yes male 0.92 1st
Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine no female 2 1st
Zakarian, Mr. Mapriededer no male 26.5 3rd
Zakarian, Mr. Ortin no male 27 3rd
Zimmerman, Mr. Leo no male 29 3rd


carData::TitanicSurvival$survived %>% 
  table() %>% print() %>% 
## .
##  no yes 
## 809 500
## .
##       no      yes 
## 0.618029 0.381971


dt <- carData::TitanicSurvival %>% 
  rpart::rpart(survived ~ ., data = .)

## n= 1309 
## node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
##       * denotes terminal node
##  1) root 1309 500 no (0.6180290 0.3819710)  
##    2) sex=male 843 161 no (0.8090154 0.1909846)  
##      4) age>=9.5 800 136 no (0.8300000 0.1700000) *
##      5) age< 9.5 43  18 yes (0.4186047 0.5813953)  
##       10) passengerClass=3rd 29  11 no (0.6206897 0.3793103) *
##       11) passengerClass=1st,2nd 14   0 yes (0.0000000 1.0000000) *
##    3) sex=female 466 127 yes (0.2725322 0.7274678) *




dt %>% 


  • ノード(枠の中)の表示は上から順に
    • survivedのデータで比率の高い方の水準を表示
    • 生存者(survived == yes)の比率
    • 全データ数に占める割合
  • エレメント(枠の下)の数式は決定木の分割条件式
    • 分割条件式を満たす場合(判定がTRUE)は左側へ
    • 分割条件式を満たせない場合(判定がFALSE)は右側へ
  • ノードの色が濃いほどエントロピーが低い


  • 左側(性別が男)
    • 死亡者の方が多く、内、生存者は0.19、全体の64%
  • 右側(性別が女)
    • 生存者の方が多く、内、生存者は0.73、全体の36%

左側の場合(sex = mail is yes

carData::TitanicSurvival %>% 
  dplyr::filter(sex == "male") %>% 
  .$survived %>% 
  table() %>% prop.table()
## .
##        no       yes 
## 0.8090154 0.1909846

右側の場合(sex = mail is no

carData::TitanicSurvival %>% 
  dplyr::filter(sex != "male") %>% 
  .$survived %>% 
  table() %>% prop.table()
## .
##        no       yes 
## 0.2725322 0.7274678



デフォルトの表示では直感的に分かりにくい印象があるのでオプションを指定して表示を変更してみます。 表示に関連するオプションは以下の通りです。

option values default description
type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2 Type of plot
extra 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, +100, auto auto Display extra information at the nodes


type description
0 Draw a split label at each split and a node label at each leaf.
1 Label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart’s all=TRUE.
2 Default. Like 1 but draw the split labels below the node labels. Similar to the plots in the CART book.
3 Draw separate split labels for the left and right directions.
4 Like 3 but label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart’s fancy=TRUE. See also clip.right.labs.
5 New in version 2.2.0. Show the split variable name in the interior nodes.

type = 0

Draw a split label at each split and a node label at each leaf.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 0, main = "type = 0")

type = 1

Label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart’s all=TRUE.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 1, main = "type = 1")

type = 2

Like 1 but draw the split labels below the node labels. Similar to the plots in the CART book.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 2, main = "type = 2, as default")

type = 3

Draw separate split labels for the left and right directions.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 3, main = "type = 3")

type = 4

Like 3 but label all nodes, not just leaves. Similar to text.rpart’s fancy=TRUE. See also clip.right.labs.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 4, main = "type = 4")

type = 5

New in version 2.2.0. Show the split variable name in the interior nodes.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 5, main = "type = 5")



extra description
106 class model with a binary response(二分木の場合)
104 class model with a response having more than two levels(三分木以上の場合)
100 other models(その他の場合)


extra description
0 No extra information.
1 Display the number of observations that fall in the node (per class for class objects; prefixed by the number of events for poisson and exp models). Similar to text.rpart’s use.n=TRUE.
2 Class models: display the classification rate at the node, expressed as the number of correct classifications and the number of observations in the node.
3 Class models: misclassification rate at the node, expressed as the number of incorrect classifications and the number of observations in the node.
4 Class models: probability per class of observations in the node (conditioned on the node, sum across a node is 1).
5 Class models: like 4 but don’t display the fitted class.
6 Class models: the probability of the second class only. Useful for binary responses.
7 Class models: like 6 but don’t display the fitted class.
8 Class models: the probability of the fitted class.
9 Class models: The probability relative to all observations – the sum of these probabilities across all leaves is 1. This is in contrast to the options above, which give the probability relative to observations falling in the node – the sum of the probabilities across the node is 1.
10 New in version 2.2.0. Class models: Like 9 but display the probability of the second class only. Useful for binary responses.
11 New in version 2.2.0. Class models: Like 10 but don’t display the fitted class.
+100 Add 100 to any of the above to also display the percentage of observations in the node. For example extra=101 displays the number and percentage of observations in the node. Actually, it’s a weighted percentage using the weights passed to rpart.

extra = "auto"

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = "auto", main = 'extra = "auto"')

extra = 0

No extra information.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 0, main = "extra = 0")

extra = 1

Display the number of observations that fall in the node (per class for class objects; prefixed by the number of events for poisson and exp models). Similar to text.rpart’s use.n=TRUE.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 1, main = "extra = 1")

extra = 2

Class models: display the classification rate at the node, expressed as the number of correct classifications and the number of observations in the node.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 2, main = "extra = 2")

extra = 3

Class models: misclassification rate at the node, expressed as the number of incorrect classifications and the number of observations in the node.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 3, main = "extra = 3")

extra = 4

Class models: probability per class of observations in the node (conditioned on the node, sum across a node is 1).

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 4, main = "extra = 4")

extra = 5

Class models: like 4 but don’t display the fitted class.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 5, main = "extra = 5")

extra = 6

Class models: the probability of the second class only. Useful for binary responses.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 6, main = "extra = 6")

extra = 7

Class models: like 6 but don’t display the fitted class.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 7, main = "extra = 7")

extra = 8

Class models: the probability of the fitted class.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 8, main = "extra = 8")

extra = 9

Class models: The probability relative to all observations – the sum of these probabilities across all leaves is 1. This is in contrast to the options above, which give the probability relative to observations falling in the node – the sum of the probabilities across the node is 1.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 9, main = "extra = 9")

extra = 10

New in version 2.2.0. Class models: Like 9 but display the probability of the second class only. Useful for binary responses.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 10, main = "extra = 10")

extra = 11

New in version 2.2.0. Class models: Like 10 but don’t display the fitted class.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 11, main = "extra =11")

extra = +100s

Add 100 to any of the above to also display the percentage of observations in the node. For example extra=101 displays the number and percentage of observations in the node. Actually, it’s a weighted percentage using the weights passed to rpart.

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 100, main = "extra = 0 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 101, main = "extra = 1 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 102, main = "extra = 2 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 103, main = "extra = 3 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 106, main = "extra = 4 +100, for more than tow levels")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 105, main = "extra = 5 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 106, main = "extra = 106, for binary response")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 107, main = "extra = 7 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 108, main = "extra = 8 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 109, main = "extra = 9 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 110, main = "extra = 10 +100")

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(extra = 111, main = "extra = 11 +100")



個人的なおすゝめは以下のオプション指定です。枠内の二段階は目的変数であるsurvivedの内訳になります(左側:右側 = no:yes)。内訳の多い方が一段目のラベルになっていることが分かります。

dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 4, extra = 101)


dt %>% 
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 5, extra = 101)


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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 , Sampo Suzuki